When meal plans and “accountability check-ins” can’t stop your clients from caving into their cravings behind closed doors...

Try My 3-Step Formula To Help Your Clients Break Their Reactionary Eating Patterns And Remove The Triggers That Drive Their Self-Sabotaging Behavior And Toxic Relationships With Food.

It does NOT involve any awkward motivational speeches, forced empathy, helping clients “find their why”, or “hardcore” coaching tactics.

Laura Poburan

Enter Your Information Below To Register Now (It's 100% FREE)

After you’re done with the workshop, you will know how to…

🧠 Access 90% more of your client’s brain, and create 90% better results than any other coach

Unearth the hidden, subconscious triggers that control your clients behaviors and keep them stuck in toxic relationships with food and chronic dieting patterns...and release them from their triggers so that you can unlock change at the deepest level and guarantee their results without battling excuses or resistance.

🌟 Guarantee results for every client you work with

Discover how to get your clients to stick to the plan and lead them to massive breakthrough moments in a refreshing way by learning how to hold space for “aha-moments” to happen organically (without convincing, coaxing or obsessively checking in just to keep them on track).

​📣 Break the “teacher-mode” habit that every coach falls into

The most transformative coaches in the world speak the least, yet cultivate profound shifts in their clients. Their secret? The ability to become a detective instead of a teacher. Learn how to replace the push for consistency with a desire for curiosity and empower your clients in an entirely new way.

💫 Create a sense of alignment in your knowledge and practice

You’ll experience what it’s like to do things the way that feels good to you without questioning your knowledge, approach or desire to coach differently than you were traditionally taught. You’ll be able to handle any situation that comes up, and create genuine, permanent transformation for your clients and yourself.

Go deeper with your clients than ever before

Learn how to free them from their toxic relationships with food and end their chronic dieting patterns permanently simply by using new methodologies based in psychology, empathy and neuroscience that allow you to match the way you communicate to how they are each uniquely wired to receive your wisdom.

Meet Your Host Laura Poburan

Laura is the Founder of TriggerMapping™ - a certification and mentorship program designed to help nutrition professionals radically change the lives of the people they’re called to serve by infusing traditional nutrition practice with deep connection and neuroscience.

She is collectively waking coaches up to a new, more healing-centric form of mastery...where freeing clients from toxic relationships with food and chronic dieting patterns becomes our default (instead of a bonus).

She instills into her students new coaching modalities based in empathy, change psychology, subconscious patterns, identity and ultimately new more grounded forms of communication that cultivate true connection and establish them as a guide and a healer for their clients.

She believes that nutrition coaches are among the most powerful change-makers of today. And if you’ll join her? She wants to awaken you, too - to an embodied, feminine coaching system where being who you are is your biggest asset, and creating radical change in others begins with a deep expansion of yourself.
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