A Behavior Based Approach To Nutrition Coaching

Help ‘Emotional Eaters’ break-free from the triggers causing their weekend binges, late-night snacking and self-sabotaging behavior.

As Featured On

Every nutritionist understands how difficult it can be to coach emotional eaters.

In the beginning, they show up with the best intentions to “stick to your plan”.

They get hopped up on hope and convince themselves that “this time is going to be different than the last”


It doesn’t take long before they fall-off-the-wagon and start caving to their cravings at night, and binge eating on weekends.

Unfortunately, their hopes and wants are simply no match against their emotional attachment to food (Triggers) - and the behavior patterns they created as a result of their attachments.

Now, there are two types of emotional eaters - “The Ghost” and “The Finger-Pointer”.

Depending on the type of emotional eater they are - once they fall-off-the-wagon and the scale stops budging - they’re going to react one of two ways.

“The Ghost” will start ‘ghosting’ their check-ins and slowly become unreachable until they cancel their coaching (normally via text or email).

“The Finger Pointer” will start complaining about the program, questioning it’s validity and passively blaming you for their lack of consistency.

In either scenario, the end result is the same:
  • ​The client leaves disappointed in their lack of results.
  • ​The coach gets frustrated because they know their plan would work if only the client followed it.
  • ​A pinch of guilt gets sprinkled on the whole situation because they truly want their clients to attain the results they were hired for.
  • ​In many cases, the nutritionists will start to 2nd guess themselves and their ability to get their clients the results they want..
It’s a vicious cycle.

And 99.9% of nutrition certifications don’t teach nutritionists how to get out of it.

Instead, they continue to cram macros, “check-ins” and meal-planning down our throats.

But here’s what I want you to consider…

Even the most scientifically sound program isn’t worth the app it’s stored on if the client struggles to consistently follow it.

The reality is, Emotional eaters need a specific type of nutrition plan to fit their ‘eating-personality’ (there are 4 types)...

...and they need a coach who can help them work through the barriers that obstruct them from following the plan.

“But I’m a nutritionist, NOT a therapist”

Just to be clear:

TriggerMapping™ is not therapy.

Therapy looks at the past to heal you from past experiences.

TriggerMapping™ is different...

It identifies self-sabotaging behavior-patterns (and the triggers that cause them) to predict how the client needs to be coached and determine what type of program needs to be created to combat the triggers and build new patterns of behavior that override old ones.

There’s only two problems:

Problem #1

Most nutritionists were never taught how to help their clients work through their triggers to allow them to consistently follow the program.

Problem #2

Unfortunately, most nutritionists were also never taught that the structure of their programming can be a massive trigger for their clients if it’s not properly paired with their ‘eating personality’
Which creates another barrier for you and your client to overcome.

But that’s simply because the world of nutrition has built the majority of their curriculum around scientific formulas.

While ignoring the factors standing in the way of a client being able to adhere to the formulas.

When it comes to losing weight, fitting back into favorite clothing, feeling comfortable at the beach and all the other desires of an emotional eater…

Here’s how I look at it…

When it comes to losing weight, fitting back into favorite clothing, feeling comfortable at the beach and all the other desires of an emotional eater…

The reality is, the journey ahead of them to lose the weight they want is like climbing a mountain.

And it’s a steep uphill climb to the top for them.

(Nothing wrong with that - that’s why they hired you)

But imagine for just a minute…

The triggers they carry with them while trying to make that climb are like heavy (and invisible) anchors piled up in their back-packs.

Everytime they begin the climb, it doesn’t take long before the triggers weigh them down, burn them out and force them to head back down to the bottom of the mountain.

...Until life at the bottom gets uncomfortable enough to want to make the climb again and repeat the process of taking a few steps up and then back down.

This is the yo-yo effect.

Eventually they think something is wrong with the trail.

So they hire a coach hoping they can show them another route to the top of the mountain.

But the anchors don’t just disappear because they have a guide now.

The guide can know the fastest and most proven path to the top of the mountain…

But as long as those anchors are still dragging the emotional-eater down, they won’t be able to stay on the path - and eventually they’ll turn around and head right back down the mountain…

...Complaining about the path and questioning the guide the whole way down.

Of course, this is super frustrating to the guide who has been to the top, studied all the different routes for years and knows this path is the absolute best option…

...but since the guide also can’t see the anchors, they just get mad and frustrated with the client. Thinking they don’t actually want to go to the top...that they’re just being lazy and uncommitted.


As if the invisible anchors aren’t challenging enough…

To make matters even worse, in most cases, the roadmaps the nutritionists valiantly worked so hard to develop, end up triggering another obstacle because it didn’t match their “personality”...(making the climb even more difficult).

For example,

Let’s say your client is afraid of heights, and not only do they have to lug around a back-pack full of anchors, but the path they’re being led down traverses along narrow trails running alongside giant cliffs…

The chances of them staying the course is slim-to-none.

Here’s how this works in a real world scenario:

Let’s say there’s an emotional eater who ‘secretly’ loves control, needs variety and gets anxious with too much structure/rigidity...yet their coaches program gives them an exact # of calories to hit and a strict and limited variety of food they can eat.

It’s not gonna end well.

Same thing happens in the opposite scenario.

Some clients get anxious and stressed out with too much variety, too many options and not enough structure. If they’re program is too flexible and open to “listening to their bodies”...

Again, it’s not going to end well.

Listen, as coaches who are tasked to lead clients desperate to get healthy, lose weight and regain control over their eating habits; I believe it’s our ethical duty to learn these two powerful skills.

#1- How to remove the anchors (Triggers) off of our clients' backs so they have the stamina and capacity to consistently climb towards their goals.

#2- How to create customized road maps based on our clients personality and triggers so they can consistently follow the path up the mountain.

You will learn how to master both skills inside of TriggerMapping™.

Become the final stop on your clients weight loss journey today.

Here's What TM Students Are Saying...

Amanda Blau

"I was able to find a sense of confidence that I never thought possible."

Sam Lebicz

"Laura Really Individualizes Her Support In A Group Setting."

Kim Peshoff

"I had HUGE ah-ha's. THIS was the missing link."

Kate Lambert

"I feel ready to take on those challenging clients and charge the price I know I'm worth."

Here’s How TriggerMapping™ Works…

Once you log into your TriggerMapping™  Portal, you’ll begin working your way through 6 Series’, each delivering you brand new skills, strategies, and coaching tools that have been engineered to layer seamlessly onto the last Series and build momentum into the next.

Move through these as quickly or as slowly as you’d like. There is no requirement to keep up with other students or complete the lessons in a certain period of time. I’ve designed this program to empower you to explore your own growth edge and lean into a unique path forward that feels best for you.


You and I will connect face-to-face 1-2X per week on Support Calls where I will guide you deeper into what you’re learning and help you apply it to your unique clients.

These calls are small, intimate, and extremely high-touch - by design. This is to encourage deeper conversations, bigger breakthroughs and a true sense of being seen and heard without feeling rushed by or glazed over.

This is as close to 1:1 coaching as you could possibly get in a group program, and your enrollment includes 6 Months of unlimited access to these calls.

Oh, And One More Thing...

You’ll also be granted lifetime access to my private community for students and grads. This group is designed differently than most. It’s there to support you in the unexpected tricky moments that pop up and “just can’t wait” for the next support call for my guidance.

Many of my grads continue to access me for guidance inside this group on a semi-regular basis as they continue to evolve their skills and expand their business.

Here's What You’re Going To Learn Inside TriggerMapping™

Each Series was carefully constructed to allow you to quickly learn, integrate and get into action with the methods, tools and modalities in the program so you can see and feel the difference with your clients in and out of session from the very beginning.

Series #1: Identity Is The Missing Link

➡️ Discover how the brains of your clients are wired so you can very quickly assess and communicate why they think and feel the things they do and how those patterns impact why they feel out of control around food and make decisions that don’t serve them.

➡️ Learn about the role of our ego, why we all have one, how it’s created uniquely for each of us and how to use this knowledge to normalize and diffuse a lot of the inner turbulence our clients experience in and out of session.

➡️ Begin to lay the foundation of decision making by first understanding the role our core needs play in triggering moments - and the 4 different ways our clients habitually use food to create a temporary sense of ease, comfort, safety, familiarity, spontaneity, validation, connection, love, belonging, etc.

➡️ Get introduced to “The Behavioral Bridge” - a framework I designed to help you comprehend and work inside of every stage of the decision making process - from the time our client has been triggered, to the action they unconsciously take as a result plus the stories and emotions that reinforce this pattern with time.

➡️ Gain a deeper awareness of your own conditioned patterns created by your ego and the stories and emotions that it triggers during turbulent client sessions or in moments of self-doubt, fear or resistance that so often surfaces as entrepreneurial coaches.

Series #2: The Four Faces of Food

➡️ Unearth your clients true identity (there are 4!) at the start of your working relationship so that you can use this information to better understand what disempowering role food is playing in their life and then explain this to them in a normalizing way.

➡️ Unveil the true reasons behind your clients failed past attempts and normalize how they have been conditioned to think about themselves, their behaviors and their goals. By communicating this with them (and exposing where they need to be focusing instead) you’ll create deeper buy in and trust right from the very first interaction.

➡️ Get a strong foot-hold with clients who have many competing goals, obstacles, patterns and triggers so you can create larger shifts more quickly simply because we’re able to tackle the source of their problems instead of each individual surface level problem separately.

➡️ Learn how to identify the most common triggers, emotional patterns, mental patterns, behavioral patterns, and common coaching mistakes for each of the 4 Faces of Food >> Jekyll & Hyde, The Busy Body, The People Pleaser, and The Socialite.

Series #3: Cultivating Deep Change

➡️ Begin to implement the framework called “The Roadmap” which comprises 5 stages we take our clients through in order to create deep and sustainable change that occurs on the level of their identity.

➡️ Not knowing what questions to ask is one of the biggest barriers to truly unearthing the information we need to be able to guide them forward effectively through their roadmap. You’ll be taught a new way to ask questions called Exploratory Questioning and given access to a curated list of Power Questions and Toolkits designed to move your clients seamlessly from stage to stage during their journey with you.

Series #4: Setting Up The Shift

➡️ Learn how to use 6 “Consultation Codes” to run a heart-centered consultation, pre-frame your client for the journey ahead, get immediate buy-in that lasts the entirety of the relationship and diffuses future pushback and resistance to your guidance.

➡️ Learn the steps to running a flawless first coaching session with a new client so we can avoid:
  • ​Clients feeling like they are letting us down when they fail - which is the most common reason they ghost us or cancel prematurely
  • ​Clients feeling overwhelmed and unclear about what they need to take action on - even if they don’t verbalize it - which is the most common reason clients don’t do what they say they will do (lack of adherence)
  • ​Clients not feeling totally heard or seen - which is the most common reason clients subconsciously resist us or don’t fully trust us
➡️ Discover how to fuse your deeper TriggerMapping™ skills with your group coaching offers.

➡️ You only need 6 Core Systems inside of your business to work from a place of ease and flow. Get these set up quickly and easily by following my step by step process to ensure that you are supported in the way YOU work, and that you’re amplifying the connection your clients feel to you, not dissipating it.

Series #5: You, Expanded

➡️ Break out of the box you have been shoved into, begin to carve your own path and redefine what it means to be successful...what you believe to be possible...and what it is you really want the vision for your business to look and feel like.

➡️ Strip away everything about entrepreneurial coaching that doesn’t feel good and change the dialogue about how things need to look or be or feel in order to “work”

➡️ Release responsibility for client success and the tendency to become overly-responsible for them. Drop the pattern of attaching self worth to every client’s success or failures

➡️ Learn how to win the 6 ego wars keeping coaches playing small and safe and get your ego out of the driver's seat for good:
  • ​Stop seeking external validation (from peers, clients, mentors)
  • ​Release the fear of rejection (in sales, content, etc)
  • ​Overcome imposter syndrome/fear of getting found out/being seen
  • ​Ditch your perfectionism mentality and replace it with fluidity and flexibility
  • ​Embrace your own retraction periods and lean into your growth edge’s
  • ​Stop burning yourself out because you’re addicted to “doing” just to feel good
➡️ Carve out your own unique path and learn how to radically protect it by using the strategies I still use myself to ensure that I am building a business that is truly sustainable for me and the life I choose to live.

Series #6: Messaging Magic

➡️ Learn how to craft a message that speaks directly to the deeper work that your clients need (but aren’t aware of yet) and make them want THAT just as much (if not more) than fitting into their fave skinny jeans again

➡️ Create content that lands more deeply with your clients true emotional experiences (and doesn’t look and sound the same as every other coach on Instagram)

➡️ Discover how your unique voice and perspective is the secret sauce to setting yourself apart in the industry...and how to incorporate these aspects into your marketing to pull the right people in closer to you.

➡️ Learn how to think about marketing differently - begin to use it as a pathway to creating opportunities for connection and building intimacy over time by creating your own marketing plan that takes the overwhelm and guesswork out of sharing your message in a powerful, aligned way.

Start Helping Your ‘Emotional Eaters’ Break-Free From The Triggers Causing Their Weekend Binges, Late-Night Snacking And Self-Sabotaging Behavior.

Ok, But What’s The Investment?

Let's Keep Things Simple And Transparent :-)

You can either make 6 monthly payments of $700.

Or, if you choose to pay in full?

I’ll knock off one payment from the grand total - which would make your investment equal to $3500.

Whichever feels best to you, works for me :)

Here's what TriggerMapping™ Grads Take Into Their Businesses

➡️ That last missing piece you’ve been feeling but couldn’t fill in

You’ll leave this program with an entirely new confidence in your mastery as a coach and the deep transformative results you’ll be able to promise your clients.

➡️ A sense of alignment in your knowledge and practice

You’ll experience what it’s like to do things the way that feels good to you without questioning your knowledge, approach or desire to coach against the grain. You’ll be able to handle any situation that comes up, and create genuine, permanent transformation for your clients and yourself.

➡️ New skills and modalities in your coaching toolkit

Develop (or refine) skills based in behavioral change psychology, emotional intelligence, exploratory questioning philosophy, and identity mapping. These will prepare you to navigate the rapidly changing nutrition coaching landscape with ease - one where deep internal change is becoming increasingly sought after by high-paying clients.

➡️ Membership to the TriggerMapping™ Portal

The complete Support Call Library, Private Support Group, and all TriggerMapping™ Trainings are yours to keep - in fact, every time we add new training videos or update the content inside the certification, you will get access to all of it.

➡️ Deep personal growth + transformation

In truth - I didn’t just design this program to empower you with your clients. My real motivator was a deep desire to create a new path forward away from traditional coaching models for anyone who craved something more...deeper...better for themselves.

You’ll experience a new growth edge as old limiting beliefs, rules and paradigms dissolve as you explore a new world where being a coach actually opens up your life to continuous, messy, uncomfortable and delicious growth...

just by holding space for the people you serve.

Here's What TM Students Are Saying...

Marie Folsom

Michelle Caravella, Registered Dietitian

Kelly Gifford

Lisa Franz

Brandee Hommerding

Aaron Oens

Josh Kelly

Morgaine Gallagher, Registered Dietitian

Here’s My 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Here’s the deal.

After you enroll, I’ll give you 30 days with me to explore the training’s...join the live support calls...test stuff out with your clients...and really make sure it all feels good for you.

If at the end of those 30 days you feel like it’s not a good fit?

(or hell, even if you just don’t like the font size I used)

I’ll give you all your money back, no questions asked.

But why would I offer such a big guarantee?

Because I know without a single doubt that it’s going to change the game for you.

I know what’s waiting on the other side of this for you.

It’s better than you think...and I want that for you.

Plus, I only invite in the coaches who are truly ready for what I’m about to teach them...who truly desire this depth of growth...and who I know will take what I teach them and make waves with it.

Remember when I said I maintain a high-touch, intimate space for my students?

This is how I do that.

Click the button below to see how this works and apply to get started.

Start Helping Your ‘Emotional Eaters’ Break-Free From The Triggers Causing Their Weekend Binges, Late-Night Snacking And Self-Sabotaging Behavior.

Become The Final Stop On Your Clients Weight Loss Journey

So, with that said.

I’m not sure if you’re looking to remove the anchors (Triggers) off of your clients' backs so they have the stamina and capacity to consistently climb towards their goals?

Or if you want to learn how to create customized road maps based on your clients personality and triggers so they can consistently follow the path up the mountain?

But if you are, I’d love to help you become that final stop on your clients weight loss journey today.

Just click the button below to book a call with me.

On the call we will dig into where you’re at and make sure that this truly is the missing piece that you’ve been looking for.

Can’t wait to meet you!


Meet Your Mentor Laura Poburan

Laura is the Founder of TriggerMapping™ - a mentorship program designed to help nutrition professionals radically change the lives of the people they’re called to serve by infusing traditional nutrition practice with deep connection and neuroscience.

She is collectively waking coaches up to a new, more healing-centric form of mastery...where freeing clients from toxic relationships with food and chronic dieting patterns becomes our default (instead of a bonus).

She instills into her students new coaching modalities based in empathy, change psychology, subconscious patterns, identity and ultimately new more grounded forms of communication that cultivate true connection and establish them as a guide and a healer for their clients.

She believes that nutrition coaches are among the most powerful change-makers of today. And if you’ll join her? She wants to awaken you, too - to an embodied, feminine coaching system where being who you are is your biggest asset, and creating radical change in others begins with a deep expansion of yourself.

Start Helping Your ‘Emotional Eaters’ Break-Free From The Triggers Causing Their Weekend Binges, Late-Night Snacking And Self-Sabotaging Behavior.

Commonly Asked Questions

“I’ve done mindset training before, how will TriggerMapping™ help me?”
It will give you the ability to quickly determine your clients unique identity that’s driving every negative behavior pattern they struggle with changing - allowing you to program, pivot and powerfully guide them without resistance or pushback. It will also give you the communication skills required to masterfully lead them to creating their own breakthroughs - which is the secret to true buy-in and trust in the process.

Ultimately, it will empower you to replace the traditional style of coaching for compliance (which leaves our clients feeling resistant to our suggestions and struggling to adhere long term) with a modern, healing-based approach to deeper change.

This means you’ll no longer be relying on things like willpower or motivation to drive success…but rather you’re relying on their identity - something that is stronger than anything else in the human psyche - to drive success.

And if you can do this? You will be able to fundamentally change their behaviour without pushback, resistance or sabotage.

And what’s more? The most powerful thing about this for YOU is that you can actually change what you can promise them…

You’ll be operating on a whole other level.
It’s not even because you know they will reach their goal weight (even though you can promise them that too)…

But you will be fundamentally transforming how they see themselves, the way they use food in their life, and UNINSTALLING past behavior patterns so there is space to re-install new ones…

The behaviors they need (and want) in order to give them the life they described to you ….and had previously expected losing 10 lbs to give them

They’ll feel in control again...at peace in their mind and free to live their life.

That’s something you can’t put a price tag on…which means not only will you be able to charge whatever you want...but people will be lined up to work with YOU.
“Are the training’s taught live, or are they pre-recorded?”
The lessons themselves have been pre-recorded. You will be able to access all of the content, supporting documents and additional bonus materials inside of your private dashboard which you will access using your username and password.

The reason they are pre-recorded is because this allows us to spend the full live zoom call integrating the concepts and strategies you learned directly into your business and client sessions. This also gives us space to deeply explore any questions you have so we can be sure that you are putting into action what you’re learning and not getting caught in information-consumption mode.
“So, what exactly will I be learning?”
“What if I fall behind or need extra support?”
Not a worry at all - this program was designed to allow you to move through at your own pace while feeling fully supported the entire time (yes - even if you need to take a couple breather weeks mid-way through!)

That’s why I included 6 Months of full support with your enrollment - so you can feel confident to settle into your own rhythm without worrying about the little hiccups life sometimes throws at you. Plus, the high-touch, intimate nature of the program allows me to keep my finger on the pulse of each of my students (which means if you disappear on me, we will always connect with you and gently guide you back on track)
“Will I lose access to everything after the program is over?”
No way. The complete Support Call Library, Private Support Group, and all TriggerMapping™ Trainings are yours to keep - in fact, every time we add new training videos or update the content inside the certification, you will get access to all of it.
“How fast can I expect results?”
You will be asked to start implementing what you’re learning immediately so you can get out of your head and into action. In fact, almost all of my students tell me they feel a huge change in their coaching flow (and their clients) after the very first Series!
“I don’t know if I have the bandwidth right now...I have a lot on my plate…”
I completely understand this feeling as I’ve been there many times before as well. Here’s what I would say if this feels expansive and exciting...but also kinda like “you’re crazy for taking anything else on right now” ⇣⇣⇣

#1: Trust your gut first and foremost - if it doesn’t feel like a good time? I’m not going anywhere and I’ll be so excited to chat with you more about it when the timing feels better

#2: A lot of the time our lack of bandwidth comes from turbulence in our business (and the way we are working with our clients) that creates more mental stress and physical work for us. Much of this time and energy will be free’d up by what you will be learning to implement throughout TriggerMapping™.

#3: I’ve designed this program to be moved through as slowly (or quickly) as feels good to you! The Series’ are split into multiple 10-25 minute sessions - which means on any given day you can pop in for a quick training (or binge watch for a few hours). The time spent each week can eb and flow WITH you.

#4: If you need to take a couple weeks off mid-way through - your portal will save your spot so you can jump back in whenever you’re ready. Plus your high-touch support lasts 6 full months - which to put in perspective should give you enough time to move through the entire curriculum TWICE before you’re done. So there’s lots of time to take breaks as needed without stressing about it :)
“How much is it?”
I like to keep things super simple.

You can either make 6 monthly payments of $700.

Or, if you choose to pay in full?

I’ll knock off one payment from the grand total - which would make your investment equal $3500.

Whichever feels best to you, works for me :)
“I’m really focused on growing my business right now...should I wait to get started with this until I have more clients?”
If you’re eyeballs deep in funnels and lead gen and freebies and systems - that’s totally cool. But just know that TriggerMapping™ will also help you grow your business on a much deeper level.

Think about it like this - if your skills become the biggest differentiator between you and your competition...and you have a clear message around why the deeper work you want to guide them through is what they *really* need so that people line up around the block to learn more...plus you’ve moved past a lot of your own self-imposed limitations that can cause us to stall out in our business…

Who’s going to make more money? The coach who has all their freebies built systems in place...or the one who’s actually different and isn’t afraid to talk about it in a way that “lands” with their ideal clients?

Sure, this way might seem like the longer path to success...but it's also the one that guarantees the most fulfillment and the highest paying clients in the end.
“I’m still getting certified and I have no clients yet. Is it too soon for me?”
Actually, no it’s not too soon! I have had many students move through TriggerMapping™ who were also working on their nutrition certification at the same time. In fact, I’d say this puts you at a slight advantage! By starting now you can get ahead of your own limitations, fears and mental blocks that often stop a lot of coaches from becoming successful. You can also begin your career with the type of skill-set most coaches spend a lifetime building. Talk about a 1-2 punch ;-)
“How does it work if I can’t make the live support coaching calls?”
I totally understand the call time’s wont work for everyone. If you aren’t able to make the weekly Support Calls you will be given access to the recordings to watch at a more convenient time for you. You will also have every opportunity to ask me questions in the private group, or to submit your questions or comments ahead of time using the Support Call Question Form you’ll find on your dashboard and in the private group. This way you’ll never skip a beat!
“I haven’t had a good experience with group coaching...do I have access to you 1:1?”
I hear you, and I’ve been there! There is no direct 1:1 access, however!👉🏼There’s something really awesome about our calls that a 1:1 environment would totally miss out on. Because we have so many different coaches, at different stages, from different places working with different clients...your opportunity to learn from the barriers, problems and questions your team members have is half the fun (and value).

What if you could learn how to handle really tough client situations BEFORE you’re ever faced with them? That’s what the group dynamic offers you. Plus! Trust me when I say, if you want the group calls to feel like 1:1 calls? All you have to do is show up and raise your hand. My favorite part of these calls is connecting with you intimately and making sure you feel seen, heard and held in every way possible. And that includes making you feel special on these calls - because you are!
“Will you be offering this in the future?”
No need to worry about that! You can sign up at any time:) AND you get to start as soon as you enroll.
“Do you have any testimonials I can look at?”
Totes do! Just head over here to check 'em out!
“How do I get started?”
All you have to do is ⭐CLICK THIS LINK⭐ and you’ll be redirected to a checkout page where you can select either the paid in full option or the payment plan.

After you enroll, you’ll be emailed your login information so you can get started right away!
“I still have some questions…”
Great! I love questions. Book A Quick Call With Me Right Here

Commonly Asked Questions

“I’ve done mindset training before, how will TriggerMapping help me?”
It will give you the ability to quickly determine your clients unique identity that’s driving every negative behavior pattern they struggle with changing - allowing you to program, pivot and powerfully guide them without resistance or pushback. It will also give you the communication skills required to masterfully lead them to creating their own breakthroughs - which is the secret to true buy-in and trust in the process.

Ultimately, it will empower you to replace the traditional style of coaching for compliance (which leaves our clients feeling resistant to our suggestions and struggling to adhere long term) with a modern, healing-based approach to deeper change.

This means you’ll no longer be relying on things like willpower or motivation to drive success…but rather you’re relying on their identity - something that is stronger than anything else in the human psyche - to drive success.

And if you can do this? You will be able to fundamentally change their behaviour without pushback, resistance or sabotage.

And what’s more? The most powerful thing about this for YOU is that you can actually change what you can promise them...

You’ll be operating on a whole other level.

It’s not even because you know they will reach their goal weight (even though you can promise them that too)...

But you will be fundamentally transforming how they see themselves, the way they use food in their life, and UNINSTALLING past behavior patterns so there is space to re-install new ones...

The behaviors they need (and want) in order to give them the life they described to you ….and had previously expected losing 10 lbs to give them.

They’ll feel in control again...at peace in their mind and free to live their life.

That’s something you can’t put a price tag on…which means not only will you be able to charge whatever you want...but people will be lined up to work with YOU.
“Are the training’s taught live, or are they pre-recorded?”
The lessons themselves have been pre-recorded. You will be able to access all of the content, supporting documents and additional bonus materials inside of your private dashboard which you will access using your username and password.

The reason they are pre-recorded is because this allows us to spend the full live zoom call integrating the concepts and strategies you learned directly into your business and client sessions. This also gives us space to deeply explore any questions you have so we can be sure that you are putting into action what you’re learning and not getting caught in information-consumption mode.
“So, what exactly will I be learning?”
“I’m not sure I really want to do another certification…”
I so feel this.

But! This is not a typical certification.

It was really important to me when I built this out that each and every one of my students felt as held and supported throughout this process as possible.

Which is why I want to make sure you understand that this is 50% a mentorship program as well.

Think about it like this,

If a “digital course” and a “1-1 coaching program” got together and had a baby...this certification would be the cute lil’ love-child.

You’ll have access to videos, special training’s, templates and powerful coaching tools on-demand...just like a course.

While at the same time, getting clarity and support from me face-to-face every step of the way so that you can implement and see results, fast...like a 1-1 coaching program.


If you think it’s going to be one of those programs you sign up for and spend the next 12 weeks squirming as you get lost in the davinci code? That’s so not my jam.
“What if I fall behind or need extra support?”
I want to make sure you feel super held and supported throughout the entire process. So, to ensure this happens? Here’s what else you’re getting...

And that it alone was worth the investment! 
“Will I lose access to everything after the certification is over?”
No way. The complete Support Call Library, Private Support Group, and all TriggerMapping Trainings are yours to keep - in fact, every time we add new training videos or update the content inside the certification, you will get access to all of it.
“How fast can I expect results?”
Dude, no one has time for 12 weeks of book work that eats up your schedule and gets you nowhere. You will be asked to start implementing what you’re learning immediately so you can get out of your head and into action - there’s nothing fluffy about it. In fact, almost all of my students feel a huge change in their coaching after the very first video training (and that’s just the introduction!)
“I don’t know if I have the bandwidth right now...I have a lot on my plate…”
This was engineered to be “layerable” upon any other business focus, marketing blitz, or mentorship type of commitment without creating overwhelm or workload anxiety - in fact, a lot of what you learn throughout this certification actually opens up time by upgrading the energy-leaking, outdated systems and processes you’re currently using in your business (and your life).

All you need is 2 hours per week and a wifi connection :)
“How much is it?”
You have a few options:

You can either make 1 payment of $1997...

Or you can get going on a payment plan for 3 payments of $697

OR 6 payments of $397...

Whichever feels best to you, works for me :)
“I’m really focused on growing my business right now...should I wait to get started with this until I have more clients?”
TriggerMapping WILL help you grow your business, exponentially in fact! But the way we do this is by leveraging your skillset as your biggest asset, and creating the utmost of clarity for you on your mission and your message. This makes it the perfect match for any formal business mentorship you’re currently involved with (or any business growth strategy you’re currently working on). Plus, TriggerMapping is like espresso - a strong punch in a condensed package. Meaning, you’ll only need a couple free hours each week to implement what you’re going to be learning with us.
“I’m still getting certified and I have no clients yet. Is it too soon for me?”
Actually, no it’s not too soon! I have had many students move through TriggerMapping who were also working on their certification at the same time. In fact, I’d say this puts you at a slight advantage! By starting now you can get ahead of your own limitations, fears and mental blocks that often stop a lot of coaches from becoming successful. You can also begin your career with the type of skill-set most coaches spend a lifetime building. Talk about a 1-2 punch ;-)
“How does it work if I can’t make the live support coaching calls?”
I totally understand the call time’s wont work for everyone. If you aren’t able to make the weekly Support Calls you will be given access to the recording to watch at a more convenient time for you. You will also have every opportunity to ask me questions in the private group, or to submit your questions or comments ahead of time using the Support Call Question Form you’ll find on your dashboard and in the private group. This way you’ll never skip a beat!
“I haven’t had a good experience with group coaching...do I have access to you 1:1?”
I hear you, and I’ve been there! There is no direct 1:1 access, however!👉🏼There’s something really awesome about our calls that a 1:1 environment would totally miss out on. Because we have so many different coaches, at different stages, from different places working with different clients...your opportunity to learn from the barriers, problems and questions your team members have is half the fun (and value).

What if you could learn how to handle really tough client situations BEFORE you’re ever faced with them? That’s what the group dynamic offers you. Plus! Trust me when I say, if you want the group calls to feel like 1:1 calls? All you have to do is show up and raise your hand. My favorite part of these calls is connecting with you intimately and making sure you feel seen, heard and held in every way possible. And that includes making you feel special on these calls - because you are! 
“Will you be offering this in the future?”
No need to worry about that! You can sign up at any time:) AND you get to start as soon as you register.
“Do you have any testimonials I can look at?”
“How do I get started?”
All you have to do is ⭐CLICK THIS LINK⭐ and you’ll be redirected to a checkout page where you can select either the paid in full option or the payment plan.

After you enroll, you’ll be emailed your login information so you can get started right away! 
“I still have some questions…”
That’s no biggie! Feel free to text me at 1-587-419-5345 and let me know what your questions are so I can answer them that way or we can set up a call to chat further :) 

Here’s What TriggerMapping™ Students Are Saying...

What’s The Investment?

You have a few options:

You can either make one payment of $1997…

Or you can get going on a payment plan for three payments of $697

OR six payments of $397...

Whichever feels best to you, works for me :)
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